Friday, March 19, 2010

Schönbrunn Palace

After breakfast, we headed for Schönbrunn Palace, where folks called the Hapsburgs hung out for a few centuries.

Some of our group at breakfast in Vienna.

The Blackwoods and Newberys at breakfast

Our first glimpse of the palace from the bus.

Standing in awe, awaiting our guides. We will break into 2 groups to tour the palace. Absolutely no photos are allowed once we are inside.

Ok, now our half has a guide.

We noticed some Easter decorations amid the splendour.

Off we go to find the entrance.

What a great looking bunch.

Now we are ready to enter the famous palace.

After the tour, and before heading for the bus, I walked around the other side to see the gardens. There I took this picture of a well known Brantford celebrity. We both agreed that the gardens probably look a lot better in the summertime.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Ah, good times Dave. Thanks for posting these! I remember being completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of the complex, and it was a beautiful day to be in Vienna.